Turquoise Oil of Hathor:
On October 1, 2022, we received the first part of Hathor's Turquoise Codes Activations in Hathor's Turquoise Temple, in the Sinai. In the energy of 222:1:1, 222:22.
On October 10, 2022, we received the second part of Hathor's Turquoise Codes Activation in the Temple of Hathor Al Kab. In the energy of 222:1:10, 222:1:1, 222:22.
Turquoise Oil of Hathor - codes and blend:
With the Sacred Oil you can invite the vibration of the Sacred Marriage and Sacred Connections into your life.
We blended myrrh oil - this was the scent
that was primarily offered to Hathor in Her Temples - with the scent of
rose, lotus and jasmine oils.
This oil opens up the space in us for New Connection Patterns.
Turquoise Oil of Hathor - reccommended use:
Use this oil to caress and pamper your body. Allow the oil to guide you in this process.
Bless your body with the scent of the oil and with gratitude for serving you in the adventure of physical existence. Allow the oil to consecrate your Body to unite in Sacred Marriage with your Soul. Activate your physical existence to become the expression of your Soul Essence.
- 10ml
Sacred jewellery
Sacred Oils
Sacred tools
Crystals of Egypt