11:11 Oil
The 11:11 Oil is filled with the codes of the 11:11 Light Portal.
The base of the oil is jasmine, which we mixed with the Isis-Magdalene and Sacred King Oils. We worked with this blend on November 11, 2022 in the Temple of Isis, and continued to work with it on the Giza Plateau on 11:11 in 2023.
11:11 Oil - recommended use:
Feel into your body, your body will guide you in where to touch it with the oil. Then take 22 long breaths with the scent of the 11:11 Oil. Touch your body again based on inner guidance. Then take 11 long breaths. Touch your body again with 1 last long inhale and exhale.
The vibration of the 11:11 Oil connects you to the ONE born from the Two. The 11:11 Oil grounds your life, choices and creations in the ONE.
- 10ml
Sacred jewellery
Sacred Oils
Sacred tools
Crystals of Egypt