Golden Alchemy Oil:
The Three Magi presented to Jesus three types of gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The base of the Golden Alchemy Oil is myrrh, we blended it with frankincense and "spiced it up" with the frequency of Gold.
The Golden Alchemy Oil was born during our Egyptian Alchemist journey in October 2022. We activated the Mother Essence of the oil during the Activations of the Alchemist Sacred Journey.
The Golden Alchemy Oil connects you to the Lineage of Light, which included Jesus, Magdalene, Akhenaten, Nefertiti and other Masters/Mistresses.
Golden Alchemy Oil - recommended use:
Breathe the Golden Alchemy Oil into your heart chakra and imagine that the fragrance draws a golden thread that connects your heart with the hearts of Magdalene and Jesus. See a row of Masters and Mistresses behind them.
Touch your heart chakra with the Golden Alchemy Oil while saying this:
I say yes to the Primordial Forces of Creation. I say yes to all my creations being guided by the Light of my Heart.
Breathe the Golden Alchemy Oil into your heart chakra again and see the Golden Light in your heart, fed by the Golden Light of the Masters and Mistresses through the golden thread.
- 10ml
Sacred jewellery
Sacred Oils
Sacred tools
Crystals of Egypt