Purple Andara Crystals began appearing in Egypt in April 2023, they are rare, there are few of them.
The Purple Andara is the Soul Flame, the Soul Bridge crystal, awakening the subtle vibration and deepest memories of the Soul.
Andara Crystals: Master Crystals of Spiritual Evolution Andara Crystals are master crystals, originating from celestial star systems. Their high-frequency vibrations support spiritual growth across all dimensions. In the ancient lands of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Kemet, Andaras played a pivotal role in ceremonies and healings.
The Hidden Legacy of Egyptian Andara Crystals For over a thousand years, Egyptian Andara Crystals lay concealed within the Earth. After the Kemetic Temples closed, they were safeguarded in the Isis Temple of Philae. Before the dawn of a new era, these crystals were hidden by the temple’s guardians, only to resurface in our time to reconnect us with Kemet’s ancient wisdom.
The Heartfelt Journey with Andara Crystals Despite skepticism, those who have journeyed with Egyptian Andara Crystals attest to their profound impact. These crystals engage directly with the heart, inviting you to feel their truth and guiding your spiritual connection.
- special size
Sacred jewellery
Sacred Oils
Sacred tools
Crystals of Egypt