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Chakra Oils

Chakra Oils
Chakra Oils
As low as $77

7 x 10ml chakra oils, which were activated in the Temples of Egypt

The Temples and Sacred Places of Egypt corresponds to the different chakras of the Land of Kemet. Different scents work well with the different chakras.

Please see here the Chakra Temples and the oils we use for the different chakras:

Isis Temple * root chakra * jasmine

Edfu Temple * sacral chakra * lotus

Karnak * solar plexus * frankincense

Temple of Hathor in Dandara * heart chakra * Egyptian rose

Sakkara * throat chakra * papyrus

Great Pyramid * third eye * lavender

Sphinx * crown chakra * mix of lotus of papyrus

Please note that we chose the single flower essences connected especially to Egypt, as we are working with the energy of this land. There are different theories about the chakra points of the Egyptian land. This is our own list and it is based on our own experiences in the Temples in the last 11 years and our deep understanding of the Kemetic mysteries.

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